What I eat in a day! My version of healthy meal ideas. I’m a stay at home homeschool mom who loves food! I believe in everyone finding an eating style that makes them feel their best and going with it! Of course I don’t eat the same thing every day and some days I eat more, or less, but this is a descent representation of how I like to eat. I try to eat as much from scratch as possible when I’m at home and then let loose and enjoy myself when I’m out with other people. I’d love to hear about your version of healthy down in the comments! What are your favorite kinds of meals? 🙂
My store: https://www.abeautifulhorizon.com/store/
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Cashew Milk Recipe: https://youtu.be/xijpSijTwsw
Current Favorite Coffee: http://amzn.to/2hQi95C
Vanilla Stevia: http://amzn.to/2fxRIRA
Green Vibrance: http://amzn.to/2voL99o
Baked Seasoned Fries Recipe: https://youtu.be/Rvzxg_YHj-U
Ranch Recipe: https://www.abeautifulhorizon.com/SAUCES/
Gluten Free Chocolate Cup Cakes: https://youtu.be/P-wpu3O_6tU
I’m not a doctor or nutritionist. Always do your own research and/or see a professional before adding something to, or changing your diet. 🙂
Here are a few fun articles, but I’m sure there are lots more out there!
Kelp: http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/06/20/kelp-seaweed-benefits.aspx
Flax: https://draxe.com/10-flax-seed-benefits-nutrition-facts/
Nutritional Yeast: https://draxe.com/nutritional-yeast/
Facebook group for mommas to encourage, pray for, and inspire one another: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1777576805837040/
This video is not sponsored. Â Some links contain affiliates. Â Thanks for stopping by! Â <3