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Morning Routine Planner

Morning Routine – The 5 W’s of Waking up Early

Is it one of your goals to start waking up earlier this year? If it is, do you have a morning routine? This free planning worksheet can help!

In the video above we are talking about the 5 W’s of Waking up Early. You can get the free printable below by clicking “add to cart”! It will walk you through the creation of your own morning routine.

I have wanted to be a morning person for a long time, but I lacked one thing, clarity. Last year I read The Four Tendencies by Gretchen Rubin. I realized that I’m a questioner at heart , which means that I have to be super clear on the details in order to make something a priority.

So, This is my year. This is the year that I get super clear and take the plunge. I’m going to be that person who wakes up earlier to go after her goals. Wanna join me?

First, print out the morning routine worksheet.

Grab a cozy blanket and a cup of tea. Or don’t, if that’s not your cup of tea. Yes, I certainly am one of those people. I like making this a big deal. It feels more like an official start. 😉

Next, we’ll dig deep to determine our “why”.

Why morning? Why will this help me? How will this reduce stress in my life or improve my day? In contrast with the everybody’s doing it, so I should do it mindset, you will decide why it matters to you!

Then, we talk about the when, where, and what.

I ask thought-provoking questions in the worksheet, in order to help you determine your preferred course of action.

To finish up, I encourage you to write out the who.

I’ll give a little extra encouragement to the moms out there with a personal story of mine from last year. Basically, if you’re ready for this, your kids will adapt.

Let’s get clear on the habits that we want to establish. Let’s focus on our goals. Without direction, we tend to drift from one thing to the next.

If you have something that you want to do this year, it’s time to get intentional about it! Let’s start by writing down our plan.

So, Check out the free printable. Join me. Let’s get clear with our morning routine and goals for the new year. I believe in you!


One of my New Years goals is to wake up earlier to work on building my side hustle.  I love this free planning worksheet to plan my early morning routine! #girlboss #wahm #sahm #sidehustle #workathome #morningroutine

Other posts you might like: How to Stick to new Habits and Routines, How to Save Money when your Finances are out of Control, What to do with the Stuff you Declutter from your Kids’ Rooms, and How to do a Digital Detox. Each post has a free printable!

Christmas Experiences for Kids

This year I’m buying my kiddos tickets to a Christmas concert, new pajamas, and a trip to see family.  We are going to be providing experiences instead of gifts to our kiddos this year, since they already receive gifts from family members.  This list is just for fun.  Take what works for you and leave what doesn’t.  I’d love to hear how you approach Christmas gifts and experiences with your kids in the comments.  Do you go all out, or take a more minimalist approach?  Merry Christmas!

Christmas Experiences. Concert, hot cocoa, tree farm, lights sight-seeing, caroling, operation christmas child, new jammies, movies, popcorn, decorate cookies.

How to Digital Detox (Tips+Printable)

Today we’re talking about how to digital detox tips. Here is the free printable: